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I think it's a blast! 30% of the list relates back to how hobbyists feel LFS employees are dumber than liverock. - Just think how many entries to the list were probably made with the same sentiment that didn't get put in the final list....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm glad my profession isn't looked at as being that full of inept morons...


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Too bad we'll never see a top ten list of why LFS love hobbyists...

Like just yesterday I got a letter from a customer who bought fish at another store, they got ich, they lost half their fish (including the three they bought wherever) and blamed ME for it, because I was cleaning their tank every other week... the tank had been just fine until they added Typhoid Larry, Curley and Moe... and it all happened between my bi-weekly visits...

They were pissed because I didn't give them free medications or run right over to their house when they admitted they had a problem AFTER they tried to treat it themselves, unsuccessfully... Read: They were embarrassed that they screwed up and tried to cover it up and after they screwed it up beyond repair, THEN they called me to "fix it"... I wonder what the shop who sold them the fish, did for them?

Sure there are some LFS staffers/owners who need to learn a thing or two, but there are a hell of a lot more hobbyists who are ignorant. Ignorant hobbyists enable the ignorant stores to continue, because they support them.

Educated hobbyists raise the bar for everybody.

Don't even get me started on the "markup" complaints... I suppose they think that everybody on the chain of custody and everybody who provides a building and utilities should do it for their good health... for free :roll:



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JennM":27le8my3 said:
Don't even get me started on the "markup" complaints...

Ya know, that's the one thing that makes me hesitant about the idea I've been tossing around about maybe opening a shop as a means of "retiring" early.. - I just can't for the life of me figure out how a shop could ever be profitable! 8O


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Boggles my mind that the "bad" shops could ever be profitable... it's fun enough when you have a clue, and can keep the fish/corals alive :lol: Imagine if you couldn't? Geez your money would be dying left and right... And if you priced yourself out of the market, nobody would shop with you...

Honestly, ya gotta wonder.

I've seen some really bad places - and some really awesome ones too... it seems that there are extremes.



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Well, it took me roughly 13 years to find a shop worthy enough to make me think that reefkeeping was something other than blowing WAAAY too much $$ on killing coral. And I'm not entirely convinced yet that thats not what it still is. :evil:

So extremes from one side to the other I'll agree with.. - The average though, is most certainly crap no matter how well funded.

<-ehem-> PetCo <-/ehem->


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LFS #1 will no longer sell fish to "Stupid Bob" (names have been changed to protect the ignorant).

1. his expensive fish ALWAYS die from ich.
2. removed all his rock and did hyposalinity for a few hours.
3. it wasn't ich, it was the use of untreated city water

Now if only LFS #2 would quit selling him fish. I need to go have a talk with them.

Today, I saved the life of a damsel and a black molly, I feel good.


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:lol: :lol:

Sometimes I wonder if I'm not "Stupid Bob"... :?


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The grass of stupidity grows on both sides of the fence. ;)

I live/drive in L.A. - let me tell you how many stupid people there are. The good news is stupidity gets to be in ever hobby.

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