Naesco, can you or anyone else that feels the time has come to end all collection of ornamentals.........can you list any damage that fish or coral collection has inflicted on the following islands....... 1.] the Solomon Islands 2.]THE KINDOM OF TONGA.......... 3.] SRI LANKA 4.] FiJi 5.] Phonape 6.] Vanuatu 7.]Kupang 8.] Timor 9.] The Red Sea 10.] Dominican Republic... 11.] Haiti 12.] Hawaii 13]Florida Keys 14.] East Africa 15.]Austraila .................................There are only two countries in which this industry collects coral and or fish , that has been documented to have had an ill effect on the health of their reefs. The fact that within each of these two countries {The Philippines and Indonesia} there are also a great many other industries inflicting even greater damage........makes determining the extent of our pet industries impact quite difficult. How ever lets assume that the collectors and exporters of these two counties HAVE collected fish and coral in a manor which has harmed the reefs. Would it be fare to punish the other fifteen collecting countries BECAUSE OF THE COLLECTION ETHICS OF ANOTHER NATION? That would be like punishing Canada for something that India was doing? What sense would that make? Micro soft is the biggest chip maker around. Just because MS has been convicted of illegal conduct .........does not make it right to punish the twenty or so smaller Computer chip makes? This idea that All collection must stop because a small portion of collectors in PI and INDO are mis behaiving{25% last count} is about as fare as demanding that All farmed timber exports stop in CANADA......because Peru is cutting down old growth rain Forrest lands ............please explain yourself.