This is the powerpoint presentation prepared by Dr. Walker. She did a study of the hobbyist viewpoint which was presented to MO2004.
For those industry types who think powerpoint is a CNN TV show, or are too lazy to read it, here is what hobbyists want:
Hobbyists want net caught and aquacultured fish because they overwhelmingly believe that it is better for the reefs and also feel that the fish are healthier.
Any some of you thought we are only looking at price. This confirms my belief that when cheap cyanide fish are no longer available (did I say banned), hobbyists wil embrace what we reeformists stand for.
God Bless Them.
This is the powerpoint presentation prepared by Dr. Walker. She did a study of the hobbyist viewpoint which was presented to MO2004.
For those industry types who think powerpoint is a CNN TV show, or are too lazy to read it, here is what hobbyists want:
Hobbyists want net caught and aquacultured fish because they overwhelmingly believe that it is better for the reefs and also feel that the fish are healthier.
Any some of you thought we are only looking at price. This confirms my belief that when cheap cyanide fish are no longer available (did I say banned), hobbyists wil embrace what we reeformists stand for.
God Bless Them.