did i say it has to be volunteer work, or born out of generosity of spirit?
at the least, it's just good business and environmental sense, as i see it, anyway
you can't chop off the hands, and expect the body to feed itself
what about pay courses in aquatic husbandry for lfs's ? it would certainly help show orgs like the amda who's willing to put their money where their mouth is :wink:
isn't this something that lines up exactly w/amda's mission statement?
here's a q.....
do you only sell livestock to lfs's that you physically verify are practicing environmentally proper practices ?
if not, how can you claim any type of moral superiority from an environmental standpoint?
is it a matter of acquiring/supplying netting negating the effect of an unscrupulous lfs selling your livestock they purchase from you ?
i'm not being a wiseass here,it's a question/issue i think is very important to address, and one the answers to which i keep seeing here seem to be contradictory to each other, or to the proffessed goals/values of those giving the answers
i would think that anyone who contributes to the money chain by selling livestock to b&m's has just as much culpability for the environmental issues those b&m's, and eventually hobbyists, contribute to, no?
i would also think that if the environmental issues are the prime, or even , only concern, you should get out of the fish biz, since it's being in that biz that is helping to bring about some of these problems to begin with

:wink: (that was a mildly wiseass comment, but the moral issue is there for all wholesalers/importers/exporters)
how is establishing proper holding techniques, etc. going to help the reefs, if the livestock is still going to be wasted through unnecessary deaths at the end of the chain? the demand arrived at through that waste will still make the demand greater than the supply
while starting at the beginning of the chain is good, i don't think it means one should/can ignore the end of the chain-both need to be fixed
i think it's part of the reason why hobbyist outreach is an important part of our (corl) mission statement
it's like developing cleaner technology for gasoline production, while ignoring emission standards/more efficient engines - both need to get done, or the environment still gets screwed anyway no? :?