Hi all,
I got the following e-mail from Svein Fossa, President of OFI (Ornamental Fish Int.), about the industry's situation after the Tsunami.
It is clear that the effects in Sri Lanka have been disastrous, not for the industry as a whole, but primarily for the poor collectors living at the coast line. Many have lost everything they own, also boats, diving equipment and collection gear, in addition to the lifes of family members and friends. The infra estructure, roads, schools, etc. is also severely damaged, and it is likely that it still will take weeks before we have a full overview of the situation.
In India it is also bad, but apparently somewhat less critical for the aquarium industry in general. That may be because the marine side is proportionally much less important in India than in Sri Lanka, and we are constantly seeking information from our members and others in the area to stay updated on the situation there.
In Indonesia we know even less, unfortanately. The major industry operators in Jakarta have so far reported that they see no problems for the industry. I fear that there could be reasons to fear that there actually are collector community's in Sumatra that could have been affected. On the other hand, the worst hit are, the Aceh province in the north, has been literally at a state of war with the central Indonesia government for many years, with large difficulties in travelling or transporting goods to and from Jakarta and the area. Therefore, it is somewhat unlike that there has been much collecting for the aquarium trade in Aceh, at least.
We are still seeking information from Indonesia.
Thailand does, as you probably know, not have any legal marine aquarium export, and the Malaysian trade reports to have been unaffected.
As for the Maldives, we don't have any information yet.
OFI's opinion is that there indeed are many people in the marine aquarium industry that desperately will need help, on short AND long term. Therefore we launched our OFI-Tsunami-Help-Fund three days ago. We expect that it will be mainly OFI members who will contribute to that, but everyone (also in the USA) are of course welcome with donations. Actually, OFI also have quite a few US based members.
I hope this helps somewhat. You're welcome to come back to me if you should need further information.