I've been browsing a lot through this forum since I like to know about the politics of our hobby too. In Oct 2005's AAOM there's an article, that many of you, I'm sure have read. It's about collecting and transporting of MO. I've read how some people demonize the hobby and the collection industry be it here in this forum, publications, CNN stories, whatever but...
In M. Paletta's piece I got the impresion that this folks (collectors)are more concerned about what happens in their local reefs than any other organization, entity, fund, association you name it. There's no mention whatsoever of any chemical being used, no blast fishing, even hints on some factors that could've been causing bleaching episodes in the area.
Is Palleta's view of this side of the industry real? Is that experience what one would find elsewhere there's collecting going on? Or was this just an extended staged farse to impress one of the hobby's "experts"?
TY guys
In M. Paletta's piece I got the impresion that this folks (collectors)are more concerned about what happens in their local reefs than any other organization, entity, fund, association you name it. There's no mention whatsoever of any chemical being used, no blast fishing, even hints on some factors that could've been causing bleaching episodes in the area.
Is Palleta's view of this side of the industry real? Is that experience what one would find elsewhere there's collecting going on? Or was this just an extended staged farse to impress one of the hobby's "experts"?
TY guys