If you can go over the "Collection and Handling" (CHT) standards and come up with some positive points that may have been overlooked, then I agree this would be invaluable input.
I know that the standards were written by experts, naming one Tony Nahaki, who helped cover decompression and handling techniques. Others, as well as myself proof read and helped create the standards...but due to the timeline of the process, and ongoing learned knowledge, these standards I believe will and should be evolving.
I disagree with you that efforts are "repeating the same mistakes as in the 80's", simply because of the monumental infastructure that has been created to ensure long lasting results. Any business is going to go through a learning curve and employee turnover, so I feel strongly that there have been lessons learned and it's all for the best.
I also feel that funding has not been spent frivously, as you commented on the wages that are being paid out. That is somewhat of a positive message that the organizations in charge of handling the money can not be accused of overspending and dishing out large salaries. Whether $85 dollars US is not a fair wage, insulting or otherwise, I don't know, but I would choose not to pick it apart. Instead, would you recommend another amount as you seem to feel passionate about salary levels. Do you think it's better to pay ex-pat's at 5 times the rate, instead of using locals? I have a general idea of average wages in the Philipines, and only when results and achievements have been made should raises and bonusus be awarded.
I am not the new director, but only an embassador for positive and responsible change. I encourage all of us who work in this industry to take a role and become involved in a constructive and positive way to help the process along.
It seems we can make some real impact here on this forum.
Best regards