naesco":1sezenna said:
vitz":1sezenna said:
i always get a kick over wayne's 'will' 'won't' statements
so far wayne, you're batting zero for god knows how many
i'm genuinely curious as to what motivates you to make these definitive fortune telling like replies each and every time
What motivates me is the hope that I can continue the hobby that I love into old age.
solid progress by industry to change its ways, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that our hobby (your business) will be shut down or severely regulated. Right now industry is batting zero!
er- how so? it's neither shut down OR regulated-and we've all heard that song and dance routine before-it was the first tactical ploy used to scare folks to get on 'your' macbandwagon in the first place-and we all know how that one turned out. there's also plenty of captive bred and propagated stock to keep me, as a reef hobbyists, enjoying this hobby until the day i die-the same is there for you
btw, how can you still be a mac fan after everything you've posted here over the past 2-3 yrs? they've made you look quite the liar
so how would shutting down the collection of MO SW fish prevent you from enjoying the hobby? the hobby doesn't revolve round only wild caught organisms-pleanty of folks have full blown reef tanks with stock that never saw a ray of wild sunlight :idea:
no one can get even 100 retail stores to agree on anything,even when it's for their own economic benefit , due to classic 'crab mentality' (read: AMDA :twisted: ) and you seem to know what WILL or WON'T happen to the industry ?hel, even the industry can't answer that one, but you KNOW??!! :roll:
the wishful thinker who keeps stating wishes as 'future facts' only does himself a disservice by making himself look unbelievably foolish, imo (memories of chicken little abound here, heh)
which of your definitive statements (need i go dig them up?

) made in the past has proved to even remotely come to fruition ? you've made statements about which species
will be banned-you committted to a CDT timeline in mac's name, etc etc
it's getting to be quite laughable, especially when NOT ONCE do you ever offer an attempt at a semi reasonable possible answer, for all of your whining and crying and moaning and berating
for one who claims to 'love the hobby' you sure seem to only offer negative suggestions like shutting it down, and scolding people on husbandry issues you're mostly ignorant on as well (yelling and insulting hobbyists on a public reef board because of the self appointed title of 'tang police' has nothing at all to do with 'enjoying the hobby'
let me clue you in on a little secret.....
honorable motives aside, the coral reefs dying from pollution/disease stressors/global warming etc are going to do in all of the reefs on this planet looooong before any beaurocratic gov'tal or ngo will have anything to say about controlling this industrys livestock source-at present rates, it's very possible that there will be no more reefs, period, in 100 years, mebbe less - but at least we won't be selling any cleaner wrasses to joeblow public, eh?
it would be nice (and far more sensible, don't you think? ) if you were as vehemently vocal about air pollution and suv soccer mom's, as you are re: your half a**ed understanding about how the pet and pet fish piz works. (or basic reef ecology status the world over today)
just my .02