Theres a problem when you try to remain positive and constructive;
It is suggested that now theres no constantly documented proof of cyanide damage because we have moved past it to the remedy phase....
Who wants to re-hash it all?
Oh...the people who missed it all the first 20 years or so and just joined us. I see.
Living with fisherfolk;
When you live with fisherman in their villages....what do you think we talk about 24-7?...and I mean, 24-7.
When you camp out on the islands and in bancas while fishing far away...what do you think we discuss?
On the 6 hour bus rides to market in Manila with divers bring their catch...whats on the intellectual menu do you think?
When you train fishers and they feel free and can talk to them til 3 in the morning about their history with cyanide fishing and their stories. When they graduate and learn netcatching, they spill the beans so to speak and will tell all who care to listen what happened all those years.
Living this full time and sleeping in the same huts as fish collectors makes them real...and in many cases, more real then can be imagined. My best friends are ex-cyanide fisherman and we still keep in touch.
They have worked for every group out there...and we kept in touch...and they work around he world...and we are still in touch.
What I know from real life experience about cyanide fishing, its prevalance, its effect and its aftermath has never been shared with the new groups now on stage. [ but it was shared at the Western Marine Conference on Saturday]
The divers know the effect far better then marine scientists who only now dally in it as its become en vogue and funded.
The divers know what happens to the fish and corals as they observed it as a daily routine. Thanks to them, I did as well.
Mature cyanided acroporas slough off pints of snot mucous as they die and turn white within 3-4 days. This is too obvious to point out, but a thousand guys doing this on a commercial level 200 days a year clean out a lot of coral tonnage and habitat.
Few ...[read none...] scientists dive all day with cyanide fishers in the normal commercial hunt for fishes....and see what happens.
Few, if any could even keep up with them as commercial fishers are much stronger divers and can last all day at sea.
The lack of physical ability has kept scientists away from truth on a huge level and they are left searching for it on their computer screens hoping to find info from other scientists who have also failed to work with the locals in any serious manner.
I have thousands of hours underwater in the Philippine alone and hundreds w/ cyanide fishers themselves.
I even have 3-4 hours using cyanide it to gain acceptance and favor with fisherman .
So many times we hoped to be joined by scientific reason and so many times we found the scientists of the time either ensconced in a culture of petty corruption and no missionary zeal or ignorant and dis-interested in the lives and workplaces of the fisherman.
If not for Dr Rubec and Dr Mcallisters work and field visits, we would still have much of this denied I'm sure.
Burning out critical coral habitat weighs heaviliy on specific aquarium species and eliminates blue tangs first on ever single reef.The blue tang is the classic indicator species of a reef too close to cyanide fishers. They range near and far to bring em home and delete the vital coral niche with each and every tang caught. Needless to say, this ruins the habitat for any other species as well and kills the larvae thereabouts as well.
Watching cyanide fisherman at work before interfering with them is truly thing to behold. Few will see it but the carnage is incredible, relentless, and ongoing for hours.
The by-catch is fully 50% of the fishes poisoned..and is left behind.
The spastic, spinning and crashing into coralheads by angelfishes is so sad to watch...they rocket around and then lie still. Half do not come out of the corals and stay inside. Then the corals may get crushed to reach the inert fishes.
No documented damage? :roll:
All that means is that no city boys were invited to come and dive on a cyanide boat...thats all. And why would a cyanide fisher want to bring out strangers to watch him break the law???
Pointing out the paucity of documentation on felony committing fisherman suggests merely that they prefer to break the law in private...... :roll:
I have denied writing a dozen posts like this...but this one got out.