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I thought this was an interesting thread. http://www.macnaxviii.com/forums/viewto ... 4df40b59f4

Here is one example of what hobbyists want from a MACNA:

"the last macna(washinton) was too commercial and the items being sold were at almost retail price my suggestion is to have more free samples or wholesale prices so as to attract more people.
also let the booths be manned by actual representitives of the respective companies, so they can awnser questions about their products. the last macna some of the booths had no reps. from their compay(eg CORALLIFE) shame..."

And another:

"I'd like to see topics that actually benefit the hobbyist and provide practical information that the hobbyist can use.

At MACNA XVII, many lecture topics including an entire track, was dedicated to the future of the hobby and industry. And while I think that is beneficial, I heard several attendees complain that they did not learn much practical stuff that they could apply. They did not want so much dedicated about the threats to their hobby, but how to improve the sustainabilty of their inhabitants.

As a result, several of folks who had never attended another MACNA before were disappointed to the point that they will not attend another one.

Please ensure that there's lots of practical information that the hobbyist can use.

I'm looking forward to going to MACNA XVIII and seeing Houston too.



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Why didn't you quote the most intelligent post??

Poppy":2eto14uh said:
How 'bout a giant armidillo wrestling an albino raccoon with duct tape on its feet.


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You can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time.

I was unable to attend MACNA this year due to other committments but would have really loved the future of the industry lectures.

I say, do offer advanced topics for advanced hobbyists and some lollypop smacker topics for people who lack the interest in the future of the hobby but are more interested in narrow views like how to frag that awesome Acan. into 500 frags for fun and profit.


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fishinchick":3sbdbcv1 said:
narrow views like how to frag that awesome Acan. into 500 frags for fun and profit.

Yup, that's me! Straight and narrow like Mia Farrow!


Chip, going back to fragging his acans...



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GratefulDiver":190it6lp said:
Why didn't you quote the most intelligent post??

Poppy":190it6lp said:
How 'bout a giant armidillo wrestling an albino raccoon with duct tape on its feet.

:lol: I like Poppy :D


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I am on the planning committee for MACNA 2007 in Pittsburgh. If you guys have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to let me know.


Advanced Reefer
San Francisco
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How bout a presentation from a commercail Philippine fish collector of 28 years experience and the very first to convert to all nets voluntarily?
He's mobile now, speaks English and is taking a gig to reform Tonga [without crowbars].
He turned MAC down as primary trainer and the reasons why are eye opening [ for most]....and he's got a passport to travel.
He has witnessed the entire history of the reform and semi reform movement in the Philippines and would make for a refreshing and very interesting bright spot in the line-up.

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