Well JT and I live together so that saves on expenses

I know you were just funning but the casual reader may have misconstrued so I wanted to be clear. I'm not being overly defensive about it because I've got nothing to hide. It's all good

And I'm sure you understand that the business owner is usually the last one to be paid.
No I don't mind paying my share of taxes here in the US. Having been taxed til it hurt in Canada, Americans have nothing to complain about where taxes are concerned - I find the system to be very fair. I do miss the socialized health care though....

However people mistakenly think it's "free"... it's not free - every taxpayer in Canada pays and pays and pays in taxes so that everybody has access to medical care - but that's sump fodder. Suffice it to say that I have no problems with the system as it exists here - always room for improvement, but based on what I've experienced back home - I have no complaints.
As to "fair compensation" for my service techs - again I don't really want to get into details, but my techs are private contractors. Own vehicle, own expenses, but they are paid a flat rate per job, plus commission on add-ons - filter pads, carbon, livestock etc. Given what I've seen paid to others in this area I think I'm pretty generous. I also offer health insurance, something that few offer in this end of the industry. The more clients a tech can service, the more he/she makes. Quality is an issue so I don't want people rushing through "volume"... so I make the pay per job attractive so that the technician is inspired to do a complete and thorough job, and they feel duly compensated as such. Fee per job varies on the size of tank(s) and number of tanks.
Where I worked before I opened my shop, the techs were paid $450/week (this was 6 years ago) with company vehicle. What I observed is that some of the techs didn't do $450 *worth* of work... they'd stop and visit with the customers, play ping-pong for a couple of hours, long lunch, etc. They often completed only one or two services per day, when 3 or 4 are more to be expected, depending on the size of each job and travel time required. I don't want to tar everybody with the same brush but more than one tech did this. So when I opened my own business venture I decided to do a per-job pay schedule so that hard workers get due compensation. It works.