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The only fish retailers in my area are Walmarts, you have to drive 40 miles to go to a decent one and they are not that great. Taking this into account coupled with the fact of lots of new business construction, I was thinking of taking a chance on doing something I love rather than just tolerate. I'm starting a business plan and was wondering about display systems and the best route to go. Buying a commercial system that's ready to go or trying to DIY one? I'm just starting to work on this and any help will be appreciated.


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DIY and don't go cheap just to have more tanks. Do each system right and add on later if you need to. Much cheaper in the long run to do it right the first time.


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RichardS":jrrn07ms said:
Much cheaper in the long run to do it right the first time.

BTW, if you do open a shop you will find yourself saying that alot to your customers. They won't listen to you very often though LOL.


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Check out Bob Fenner's website www.wetwebmedia.com There's a lot of info there for someone wanting to open a LFS.

Pay special attention to the financials part - I started mine on 1/3 of his suggested budget - and I wish I'd had the whole amount :) I knew going in I was running on a shoestring - and 5 years later I'm still here but it has been a struggle. You need very deep pockets to start one - perhaps deeper than many other kinds of retail businesses.

And if Walmart is your main "competitor" (and I use that term loosely), the liklihood is that people will buy their tanks and first 40 fish from there, and only seek you out after they all die (or start to die). You can't compete with their prices on cheapie setups.

One possible benefit is that a lot of Walmart stores will be phasing out fish soon - I don't know if my local Wally is or isn't - there were fish there when I went there last week (I hadn't been in there in months - I had a visitor that wanted to go).... if their fish go buhbye that's good for everybody, IMO - especially the fish :)



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I can't see how walmart was ever anyone comp. I never saw more then a few species of fish there. I sent you a personal message about walmart and them selling systems off cheap. They suck outta the box but a diamond drill bit and a little plumbing skills can remedy that.

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