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Wayne, I don't think anybody was implying he's not welcome to post.

FWIW I sent Kalk a PM when I heard that the store was closing (a few days before it did). He didn't pick it up for a couple of weeks and did not respond.

I think MOST of us here share the sentiment - we wish him well in his future endeavours.

I, for one, was saddened to hear that he was closing - and that's what my PM conveyed. It stinks for an area to lose a good store - and his was one of the good ones. The loss of a good store harms us all.



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Wasn't Kalkbreath the guy from previous posts that was going to show the "Good Doctors" how to run an internet livestock business? Perhaps the doc gave him a bad virus!

Good luck!


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That's kind of a cheap shot, IMO. We don't know the whys and wherefores, so it's kind of inappropriate to poke him with a stick at this point.

There but by the grace of God goes any of us.



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It's truly a bummer to hear about Kalk's store....I did hear about it recently.

I hope he can share with us some of the things that caused his closure if there's a lesson to be learned.

I have been contemplating some new areas of marketing that I believe might be a tremendous help for the retailers....but would love to know more about what may have happened to Kalk.

I do have some positive feedbacks from customers saying it's been picking up. I am glad to hear this news.....I hope a new trend is a comin!



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Well it would probably be best if it came straight from him - not anybody else's gossip or speculation - and I've heard a crap ton of that locally and I don't put stock in any of it. It's a shame really how people can turn on a person.

And if I were in Kalk's shoes I doubt I'd want to air my dirty laundry here. I'm not presuming to speak for him but I had to step in and say something when he was being dissed. Think what you will, Kalk is a decent guy in my book. We've talked quite a few times over the years and I respect him - even if we haven't always agreed on things.



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Yes....I totally agree and that's why I wrote that I hope that HE could share with us anything that we can learn from. Good idea to head off anyone from trying to speculate....let's leave the reasons for closure up to Kalk...if he's willing to share.

Best regards.


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I truly wish Bobby the best. I honestly wanted to go meet him and check out his store, I was bummed that couldn't be :( I did visit many other LFS in the area and not at a single one did people *not* talk about Cap Bay closing. It was the true talk of the town that weekend.


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JennM":3jp4itap said:
Gee Gresh, you didn't come see me :(



I wasn't driving, sorry :(

I had a horrible trip though so maybe it was for the best I didn't see you and associate you with all the bad things that happened to me in ATL :?


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GreshamH":1s5fwfnp said:
I truly wish Bobby the best. I honestly wanted to go meet him and check out his store, I was bummed that couldn't be :( I did visit many other LFS in the area and not at a single one did people *not* talk about Cap Bay closing. It was the true talk of the town that weekend.

Er I think Bobby was hired help and Jeff Koutnik aka kalkbreath was the owner.


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I was always under the impression that Bobby was a partner - but I don't know that for certain. Jeff's wife, Deborah, worked in the store too. I only was in there a couple of times, but Deborah was always very nice.

No matter what the "arrangement", it's still a loss to the reefkeeping community here that their shop is no longer.

The Fish Store & More closed too. Used to be in Buckhead and was the go-to place in Atlanta. A year or so ago it moved to another, smaller location and it closed down ~ end of September. Another sad loss here :( Diane was also very nice - I met Diane and Gary shortly after they bought the Buckhead store - I hadn't seen them much since, but they were nice folks.

Tough times in the aquatics biz in the ATL.



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Ya I think sales are down most places. Not certain how the internet folks are doing but some appear to be o.k., maybe Kalk is doing that.


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I could be wrong, but I don't think so. The site he did have is gone - I'm not sure if it ever went live or not, but the infrastructure *was* there.

I've had folks ask me if I've heard from him - I haven't. They are in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope that whatever transpired, that they are all OK and I wish them all the best in the journey forward.



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For someone with 6 posts, you seem to presume to know a lot about some of the quasi-regulars here. Just what is your agenda, anyway?


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