Matt_":1iejqq3q said:
Hey Justin, thanks for the detailed response.
A few (perhaps) dumb questions,
1) Would restricting the intake of the pump with a gate valve cause cavitation?
2) How about restricting the air pressure with a needle valve instead?
3) How about moving the NW pump to a higher location with the same intake and output locations to put less head pressure on the air intake?
I'll send you a PM about the Hammerheads.
Thanks again!
Definitely not dumb questions! We tried the same things
1) Yes, I think it does cavitate some- which probably helps small bubble production. That decreased pressure is what helps draw in more air at higher head. Hard to tell exactly what's going on inside without an acrylic gate valve & venturi.
2) Not enough air and too much water causes the pump to work really hard spinning the impeller- a lot of drag on the pins. We use the square pin approach since the sharp edges cause cavitation from the shearing of the water. Round pins might work better with air restriction, but square pins caused the pump to run really hot, around 450 watts. Valving back the water allows you to tune the wattage on the pump too, which correlates with air intake. I gate mine back until the pump is running at about 320 watts, which seems to correspond to the best air intake as well. I forget the exact numbers but it is around 100 scfh.
3) We looked at this too, but then you get bubble recombination and less throughput since the bubbles need to travel through several feet of pipe, and there is friction loss to deal with. The skimmers always skimmed best when the output of the pump was as close as possible to sticking straight into the side of the body. Obviously the lower the point of bubble injection the better, to maximize contact time. In general, this idea would probably work well if the tradeoffs were considered- on the 600PEs, maybe put the pump ~3' from the bottom, and use 3 or 4" pipe to return the bubbles to the body. Also, it could work out that an air pump might help a hammerhead at 10' head so that is has the same behavior as what I've gotten at 7'.