During these slower ecomonic times every retailer and wholesaler I know are struggling to be profitable. Everyone is doing whatever it takes to stay above water. We all must make certain decisions and I have chosen to not support wholesalers that sell direct to my retail customers, at least the ones I know are doing it. While some are more creative in hiding this activity, others are quite blatant and seem to be saying to bad we are doing whatever we want and if you don't like it tough. One such wholsaler is PAF, Blue Zoo Aquatics is now run out of this wholesale facility 100%, orders are pulled from the same tanks that your wholesale order is and the orders are packed and shipped directly from PAF. Blue Zoo emplyees freely roam and work at this wholesaler. I still supported them some during the years that Reefer Madness was set up and run by PAF but I will no longer support this activity. Blue Zoo sells a lot of fish and bread and butter corals so they are very actively competing with all retailers. I know there has been a business connection for a while, but now the entire operation is run out of PAF with no concern for wholesale customers. So, anyone know for sure what other wholesalers are doing this on the side? I am not badmouthing PAF--Dave is a nice guy and they have good stock, I understand the need to get as much business as you can during this time, but I personally will not support them or other wholesalers I know for sure are selling directly to my retail customers. Rumors abound about other wholesalers doing this, so anyone know any others that have zero degrees of separation from importer to retail?