Wonderreef, Again I agree with what you posted above. PAF has become complacent and could use some new blood to give new and fresh ideas to our business. I have seen this many times with retail stores that become set in their ways then the new guy moves in with more excitement and new methods and the old store either steps up to the new level or goes away. It is pretty easy to see this happen and fully understand it but it is much harder to fix the problem. I think about it alot, putting a new plan into action has been more difficult, my personality tends to resist change even when I know that it is needed. PAF is working on some new ideas and methods that I think will help us, mainly in our ability to obtain high demand items and in our customer interface.
I know that there is the apperance that Blue Zoo gets an advantage from PAF, if I ran it to the logical conclusion (what most on the outside assume is happening) then PAF would indeed be using Blue Zoo as a vehicle for retail sales. In actual practice it is pretty far removed. Internally here at PAF the sales guys see how far Blue Zoo is removed from the PAF operation so it has become a non issue to the sales force. Blue Zoo just does not get many cherry corals from PAF, the sales guys get by far the bulk of what is available. Blue Zoo buys from a lot of other sources and does come up with some nice things. PAF mainly fills the everyday bread and butter orders for them. I am not trying to change anyones mind here, I understand that the assumtion is that we are one and the same. I have stated how it is, people can make the assumption that they want. Blue Zoo is not my plan for how to reform PAF, it will be assumed that it is but it is not. I ended up as a shareholder in Blue Zoo as a fluke, it is a long story that most will not believe so I won't get into it but it was certainly not on purpose to transform how PAF does business or to make up for slacking sales.
I agree with what Wonderreef posted, there is a lot that we could do to become better. Either we step up and change or go the way of the dinosaur.
I know that there is the apperance that Blue Zoo gets an advantage from PAF, if I ran it to the logical conclusion (what most on the outside assume is happening) then PAF would indeed be using Blue Zoo as a vehicle for retail sales. In actual practice it is pretty far removed. Internally here at PAF the sales guys see how far Blue Zoo is removed from the PAF operation so it has become a non issue to the sales force. Blue Zoo just does not get many cherry corals from PAF, the sales guys get by far the bulk of what is available. Blue Zoo buys from a lot of other sources and does come up with some nice things. PAF mainly fills the everyday bread and butter orders for them. I am not trying to change anyones mind here, I understand that the assumtion is that we are one and the same. I have stated how it is, people can make the assumption that they want. Blue Zoo is not my plan for how to reform PAF, it will be assumed that it is but it is not. I ended up as a shareholder in Blue Zoo as a fluke, it is a long story that most will not believe so I won't get into it but it was certainly not on purpose to transform how PAF does business or to make up for slacking sales.
I agree with what Wonderreef posted, there is a lot that we could do to become better. Either we step up and change or go the way of the dinosaur.