I just saw a 104th street wholesaler listing "Captive conditioned" yellow tangs. I understand the idea behind this, but wanted to know what the criteria for this is - held for a week and purged, grown from post-meta fish or what?
Jay, it's like captive raised that some are selling. There are no standards for anyone to follow, thus it is open to all sorts PR and adverting. Even captive reared is an open word. You see something listed as tank rear, tank raised, captive raised and such and you have no idea if they are wild or cultured. Cultured in a closed system or open.
At least they are using the word "conditioned" and not raised.
Ahh, but that is the problem - if I ask them, I'll get the salesperson's pat answer. This was just a new term for me; it was used on the PL as if the reader would know what it meant, so I just figured that it was a set procedure being used on certain fish coming out of Hawaii.
I gotcha Jay. I actually just wrote an article that in part talks about this very issue. You have to make the decision about the salesperson and what they are saying. Its really too bad that the state of the industry is that its essentially the old west with no oversight.