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Experienced Reefer
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thanks James, and thanks for all your work which made this class possible. Will more classes be made available? Will you send out emails about them?? I'd like to do the Borneman one. Soniaz


Advanced Reefer
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Hi Amber,

I don't know what the future holds for MACO. As Dr. Ron stated in one of his last discussion sessions, he just isn't getting the student participation to make teaching this class worthwhile. It's a shame - but think about it. How many people actually made it to the end of the class?

I would suggest you email Eric Borneman and but a bug in his ear about doing his MACO course again. He can be reached at:

[email protected]

Cheers and thanks for participating everyone!
James Wiseman


New Reefer
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The amount of participation can at least to some degree be a matter of "statistics". I haven't attended a single chat, -why not? Simply because english isn't my native languague. Although I understand english pretty good it's not possible for me keep up with the speed of a chat dealing with advanced subjects. I'm still taking the course, in my own speed, I'm in the middle of lecture 4! I would guess that many of us have similar conditions; work, family, a foreign language a.s.o. that forces us to walk in the slow lane. Not to mention that the last biology class was ten or twenty years ago.

Ron and James, keep up the good work! This course is one of the most interesting ones that I've ever attended. I'd rather spend 2 or 3 years with the material, learning it really well, than just skimm (no pun intended) trough it.


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