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hello guys and gals i have a 220gal sps dominate tank and wanted to add some color to the bottom of the tank and like the colors that scans provide so my question is will they do good in that type of tank my levels are very low meaning NO3 - 0
PO4 - 0

so I'm worried I've heard they like somewhat dirty water also my water flow is kinda high so tell me guys do i or don't i


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Brewster, NY
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Yeah I have a mixed 120 and all my softies are on the bottom loving life, just gotta spot feed every other head 1 or 2 times a week. Scoly and big a55 bowerbanks are good too.


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Staten Island
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+1 acans can live in a SPS DOM tank. Just go with a test acan for a month to see if the acan lives. sometimes Low nutrient systems dont doo well with LPS. good luck bud. keep just posted.


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Suffolk County
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How did this end up working for you? I had a stretch of bad luck and bleached a ton of Acans trying to get adequate light for the SPS. I had a sunpower and even on the bottom of the tank (24 inch depth) they all had to be shaded.

Some people are able to keep them under a 400 watt MH.. so I'm not sure. :lol2:
I'm sure that proper light acclimation is a key factor, and probably one of the reasons why my acans did so poorly at the time.


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I'll tell ya what.. I've had some that melted for no reason.. I have a colony of a red one that does really well.. I did notice that acans n chalice in my tank need slight shade.. Damn ai sols are very strong!


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Westchester NY
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I'll tell ya what.. I've had some that melted for no reason.. I have a colony of a red one that does really well.. I did notice that acans n chalice in my tank need slight shade.. Damn ai sols are very strong!

I recently got over some alk issues (well like 7 months ago) and I'd like to red add some strong sps..

well perhaps it was the alkalinity spike you had about 7 months ago that melted all of your acans away??? yah think? hmnnn... :dead1:
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um no, that would be the sps, the acans made it,, this is prior... like i said post up pix of you tank that is full of sps.. I do make mistakes as ive tried almost everything is this hobby.. I now found how my tank thrives.. I kept dosing vinegar and my tank didnt like " a lot" of it..

now back to acans,, try out a few frags and see what happens
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