I just noticed some kind of small crab Picking at the fleshey part of my eligence coral. and when I tried to remove it, it dug into the coral head.
sorry long day at work. ok the flesh IS torn. it went under the Flesh, and my digital camera is not cooperating with me now. the crab is about 1/4 inch, Bone white with small pincers. the top shell looks flat.
what can i do to get rid of the little F!#%er
IF i get the bloody thing out of my tank before i loose the coral should I dip the coral in Logals and hope for the best.
depends... my elegance is nearly a foot long now, if it had a small tear I wouldn't worry about it. Yours might be different. A coral dip might be even more stressful. Try to get a picture showing the damage and if possible the crab. I can't recommend anything without seeing the details. Perhaps someone else has more experience to offer advice.
Mash.. that's a very technical term, and must be applied in the strictest sense on this occasion. [/quote
I also like the "crush and flush" method of disposal.
FWIW, anouther meathod for removing crabs is place a piece of bait in a tall smooth drinking glass at night next to the rockwork. The crab will jump in the glass and eat the bait and won't be able to climb back out becuase of the smooth high sides.
Well went to my LFS today and stumped ALL of them, the fish manager said he would take a look at the creature threw a Microscope, and draw a diagram to E-Mail to some of his buddies to Get an ID. On initial Look at the creature It Had an very Hard Shell and it had a nice set of jaws for being so small. hope to find out soon on the ID. I will keep all of you informed.