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What do you feed your LPS corals and how often?

I have a branching torch and a branching hammer. When I try to feed them stuff, they don't pull it in. Perhaps they just don't like meat cubes or frozen krill? I even kinda make it "struggle" on their tentacles a little, which seems to get them interested, but evenually the coral will relax and the food floats away.

I'm new to the LPS scene ... so be gentle with the rubber glove.


I've had Euphylia (hammers, torches, frogspawns) that will accept larger food items, and those that will not. In the past year I haven't directly fed them anything and they are still growing and calcifying. They DO eat obviously, but it's all smaller stuff they pull out of the water.



Yeah I see various amphipods being stuck to the little tentacles, etc ... but I wanted to be sure that it was happy. I just did some more reading and it seems the majority of ppl don't feed it anythign on a regular basis. I am just paranoid because of my last hammer troubles. Mainly I attribute that to abuse though (I had these two bulldozer 'lectric blue hermits that were ruthlessly tipping corals over and I kept coming home to see the hammer upside down on its face in the sand ... ffs!!). The coral was all stressed and stuff. . .


You should be fine. These are very hardy and trouble free corals for the most part. You might want to experiment with different food items though, shrimp, squid, whatever. Just for kicks.



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I have had a white hammer for years, I got it as a B-Day present in 98' and only fed it the first time a few days ago. I just was feeding the anemone with a silver side and decided to chop off a small piece for each of my serpents. I figured while I was at it I would fine chop some silverside to feed the hammer and other LPS' it seems to have enjoyed this.


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What else have you tried to feed them?

I once had a green hammer that took in small pieces of raw tiger shrimp.


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Just curious, don't mean to hijack, but how do you feed your corals if you have fish in the tank? Mine tend to eat it, regardless if I feed the fish first, etc.

I've never fed my hammer and it appears that little branches are just beginning to sprout underneath the large top, but on the fleshy part of the head.



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You can target feed corals by using a turkey baster or pipette, and blowing the food toward the coral. Fish will come by and grab what they can, but usually the corals are able to get a good amount if you do it right.

Has anyone attempted feeding cyclop-eeze to their LPS? Noticed any benefits? I'm going to start tonight.


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Thanks, I knew about the turkey baster method, just wondering if there were any tricks to enhance.

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