What do you feed your LPS corals and how often?
I have a branching torch and a branching hammer. When I try to feed them stuff, they don't pull it in. Perhaps they just don't like meat cubes or frozen krill? I even kinda make it "struggle" on their tentacles a little, which seems to get them interested, but evenually the coral will relax and the food floats away.
I'm new to the LPS scene ... so be gentle with the rubber glove.
I have a branching torch and a branching hammer. When I try to feed them stuff, they don't pull it in. Perhaps they just don't like meat cubes or frozen krill? I even kinda make it "struggle" on their tentacles a little, which seems to get them interested, but evenually the coral will relax and the food floats away.
I'm new to the LPS scene ... so be gentle with the rubber glove.