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Advanced Reefer
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I changed the carbon in my sump and the next morning the GSP was retracted. It is now a few days later and it is dead. No problems with the other corals. Anyone ever have anything like this happen?


Mainland Aquatics
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ive had that stuff, in 50 degree water for 2 months, put it in a new setup and abt 2 weeks later it started popping back up, i sould have peeled it off when i had the chance.. now its like wildire across the back of my reef, i have to keep trimming it back with a knife as it encroaches on the sps and other corals.


Advanced Reefer
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I had bought a frag from liveaquaria.com and I was doing really well, even started growing in all directions. Couple of days later it slowly began closing until it was completely closed along with 2 of my best zoa colonies, while everything is doing well. its been 2 weeks since it closed up and now 25% of the colony has reopenned (????)! the zoas on the other hand aren't fairing as well. all in all sometimes corals melt/die for no reason...

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