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Recent content by 18oreefer

  1. XXL Ritteri Anemone $100

    ill take it.
  2. Salesman Looking For A New Career

    The union route might not pan out, as most halls are jammed with guys waiting for ticket. Most guys will tell you they have been sitting out 12-24 months. Good luck with whatever route you end up taking.
  3. Best place to buy Miracle Mud

    Try aquacave.com
  4. Regal Angel show off thread..lets see them

    It eats gorgonia and devils hand as well.
  5. Upgrade sale Marineland 300 DD

    nah just another bump. what r u looking for?
  6. Who is from New Jersey?

  7. F/S 400 gallon acrylic Tank & Stand & Sump

    With the size of his tanks this would make a good sump. :):kidding:
  8. Who is from New Jersey?

    Up in sussex county. I did see a thread like this a long while back, but i think it has long been buried. Heres a pic of my fresh upgrade to a 450.
  9. F/S 400 gallon acrylic Tank & Stand & Sump

    Coralmeister nice signature. SharkMan those dimensions work out to 375 if my math is correct.
  10. Upgrade sale Marineland 300 DD

    Its 1/2"
  11. 4Sale - Huge Anenomes

    i do i do. they should have a new home in my 450 tomorrow :thrash:
  12. Super Reef Octopus XP-5000 Internal Protein Skimmer

    Ahh its the cone not just the regular 5000.
  13. Upgrade sale Marineland 300 DD

  14. Upgrade sale Marineland 300 DD

    just think how much more swimming space your tangs, that are getting bigger, would have.
