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Recent content by Aguasalada

  1. Skimmerless and the Cleanest Tank

    Wow amazing tank man. Great pics too. What camera and lens did you use?
  2. What did everyone think of the swap???

    I just started my tank and went to the frag to get more info. I really liked walking around and seeing the variety of corals and equipment. It was cool to put a face to the names as well. I thank MR for putting this together and all the vendors that attended. I did hope to see more...
  3. High Nitrate in new tank

    In most of the books/artciles I have read it suggests that you do a large water change after the tank cycles to get rid of all the extra algae and to bring the chems back to normal and get clean water. I am using the API Saltwater Master Test Kit. The result for my regular tap water was yellow...
  4. High Nitrate in new tank

    Hey guys, My tank had gone through the cycle and was ready for fish last week. I did a 90% water change. All of my chemicals were fine (ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Ph 8.3 and Nitrate 0ppm). I then decided to put in a cleaning crew (7 snails) before I started to put in fish. When I checked my...
  5. Tangs For Sale

    I may be interested in the Yellow Tang. Where in New Rochelle are you?
  6. New Bx (pelham Pkway) Member

  7. New Bx (pelham Pkway) Member

    I got some new LR! I am really liking my tank more and more everyday. check out my new scape: http://www.manhattanreefs.com/gallery/files/3/7/4/5/aquascape1.jpg http://www.manhattanreefs.com/gallery/files/3/7/4/5/aquascape2.jpg http://www.manhattanreefs.com/gallery/files/3/7/4/5/aquascape3.jpg...
  8. Mini Sea Stars

    put up some pics so we can see. I bought some LR yesterday and just discovered a little star. I hope that it survives. Good luck with yours. here is mine (a little to the right of the barnacle, its actually on the glass, not on the rock)...
  9. Reef safe fish and corals and live rock. Everything must go.

    Thanks! Thanks cdagostino! It was a pleasure doing business and my tank is tarting to look good now with the new lr. So empty before ;-( check it out some time.
  10. Reef safe fish and corals and live rock. Everything must go.

    I am interested in 30lbs of LR. I am on pelham pkway and white plains r u near there? Have never purchased anything through here so don't know the procedure.
  11. New Bx (pelham Pkway) Member

    Thanks guys. I will sign up for the Frag Swap as I will be ready for fish by then. In terms of the lighting, I will look more into it and will also see if my friends can build me a canopy w/lights. Next stop- LRs and lots of them.
  12. New Bx (pelham Pkway) Member

    Cool. That's a lot of rock though. I guess it is all worth it. Now, I am starting simple with a fish only and then want to move on to reef. I don't think it will take long for the transition as I am just worried about chemicals and tests and everything that one needs to maintain a reef. So far I...
  13. Strange Colored Clown fish

    you got me man! lol
  14. New Bx (pelham Pkway) Member

    Yes, he adds more stuff each year. It is beginning to look too cluttered though. I have some live rock and live sand. About 1" of sand and 1" aragonite. I think I have about 15 lbs of live rock. Did you mean 1/2 lb or 1 to 2 lbs per gallon? Thanks for the suggestion rgun2515.
  15. New Bx (pelham Pkway) Member

    I added some pics and info on a blog (My New Tank). Is there any way to speed up the cycling? I am using cyle and adding ammonia as I have some bacteria already and its working pretty well. Any other suggestions?
