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Recent content by Arame

  1. Cladophoropsis

    My LFS Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Cladophoropsis

    It’s a 10 gallon so no fish can eat it lol, I also heard tangs don’t touch it. I also can’t take the rocks out as there are colonies already growing on them (I’ve heard another horror story about someone leaving the rocks out for a month and the algae still survived!). Thank you for the...
  3. Cladophoropsis

    I have tried 50/50 peroxide dip and it came right back :( I’m thinking I’ll have to manually remove all of it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Cladophoropsis

    I had some of this horrible algae hitchhike on some zoas. Peroxide dipped them at first but it grew back worse than before and the more I pick at it the worse it gets, I have multiple patches around the tank now :( starving it out has not worked and none of my hermits or snails touch it. Does...
