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Recent content by boonani

  1. World Wide Coral Frags

    Yeah Dace is the man. Will def order from WWC again. Thanks to both of you!
  2. World Wide Coral Frags

    Is there a specific location in Manhattan?
  3. Parking Question & Directions

    Anyone know how parking is going to be? Will parking be a problem? Lot or street?
  4. frag swap

    will you guys be attending the upcoming swap?
  5. World Wide Coral Frags

    Pmed you. Dace you are the man!
  6. TB Aquatics - Inverts

    Got sexy shrimp? Price?
  7. Frags for the Swap

  8. BL007 Swap list !!!

    pmed you.
  9. AKMA's tank thread

    LIES! You told me you not going to the swap.
  10. WTB pure black and white clown fish

    Anyone know where I can find some juvenile black and white ocellaris? Searched a couple stores nearby me for awhile now but couldn't find any.
  11. B

    interested in the frogspawn for the fragswap

    interested in the frogspawn for the fragswap
  12. Green Hair?????????????? HELP........

    I'm still a noob but you mentioned your light bulbs being about a year old. I been reading that old lightbulbs can contribute to algae growth.
  13. selling 25-30 pounds of live rock

    interested as well
