.. diy boy??ooookkkkkk ( I figured you'd start the name calling)
sure thing Mr Instuctor Sir .. anyway and I can tell by the way your jumped over my statment here's where you're having a problem.
I can make water tight holes insert plugs too.. it's OK.. 1st time I tried it took forever . if...
here ya go... but 1st a question.. did you charge those people for your advice? And no I don't sell anything for profit there's far too many rips offs in this hobby.. I make them for reef buddies. Sell/trade them for more supplies.it's a karma thing
I really get a kick out of showing someone how...
two things..
one my tolerences are far closer than 1/6".. more like + or - .005.. and I do without a CNC machine.. so can you
Two.. the joints fit so well through the hoizontal supports it doesn't need to be glued.. http://home.pacbell.net/kylesr/mycalreactor2.jpg
it all stays together from...
wow... it seems that you're attempting to attack my credentials rather than my methods or procedures.
If not would it be better if you direct any and all statements directly at my explanation for the cracking?
If you cannot reply to my "butt weld" statement I suggest you read and listen to...
OK..for example. Guess that New Nike ti. driver will allow me to hit a golf ball as long and as straight as Tiger Woods??.. I don't think so.. My only point is.. it's not only the material.. it's the USER(builder). build it right and it'll work and it won't crack or leak.
Regardless of the...
koehler.. welcome to the bay area housing market..
only thing I'll say about an RO/DI is.. I've never heard anyone say " it puts out too much water" ..If you look on Ebay you may able to find a 75 GAL/day unit for around $200..( including drinking water kit)
I'm on my 4th house in the Bay...
not sure if you know this but ... if you looked around you could've gotten it from other reefers in the Bay Area for 15-20 bucks a bag . yeah I know.. where was I when you were looking for it?!! sorry..
here's the deal... extruded tube is fine for almost every application in the hobby.. (except for aquariums)
Butt joints are never acceptable when working with round to flat stock.. Stress fractures will accur along the butt joint from the weight of the media and water in a Ca or KW...
IF YOU REALLY WANT (sorry for the caps) 3600 GPH.. get 2 Iwaki MD 100 RLT.. otherwise you won't come close
>> I'm not able to seem to keep the pH above 8.2 at its peak during the day, with it falling to around 8.04/5 at night.
this is fine I see no reason to alter these readings. if /when you use KW for make up it'll raise slightly.
>>I have added Kent Marine SuperBuffer dKH to the makeup water...
for the regulator,needle valve and solinoid look at the bottom of this page..
you'll also need several 1/8"plastic compression fittings and some 1/8" tubing.