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Recent content by bunziole

  1. Staten Island Representing...

  2. I was bored ,so i took pics :/

    just check out my singature i have a link to flickr with some pics of my bro in laws tank
  3. Right NoW on animal planet 8:00

    set the tivo for 11
  4. I was bored ,so i took pics :/

    nice i just picked up a nikon d80 and a sigma 105mm
  5. Right NoW on animal planet 8:00

  6. I was bored ,so i took pics :/

    i agree nice shots... what kind of camera
  7. Wich nano Setup to Buy

    def have to check out the cad lights...anyone else have any exp with them
  8. Sunday Macro's

    great shots..
  9. Wich nano Setup to Buy

    well does anyone know if the new ones have a bui;t in fuge and where to get a setup?
  10. Wich nano Setup to Buy

    well finnex doesnt make all glass anymore... or built in refugs ... im pretty sure no... anyone else no i am def gunna get a finnex fully loaded 30 but i think im goin to wait until i move into the new house... we will see
  11. wtb finnex 20g w/2-18W Actinic blue1-150W HQI

    item# MT-2101Q finnex 20g w/ 2-18W Actinic blue 1-150W HQI or anyone know if they make one with the rfug built in
  12. Wich nano Setup to Buy

    i did not read enough before i posted.. sorry i think im gettin the finnex 30g.... i should have read a little more
  13. Wich nano Setup to Buy

    Hey Guys, im interested in setting up a nano tank and i was wondering if anyone would give me some input. i was looking at getting a 24g aquapod,a bio cube or something similar. Does anyone think that the 150W HQI aquapod is worth the money or should i get the 70w or just get the pc.. i see alot...
  14. Coral Pictures

    i no the feeling i have 2 lcds setup on my comp for that reason.. one 23' apple cinema hd display and a 15'sony... but yeah nice shots feehand is tough
  15. flickr

    does anyone use flickr.. i wanna make a group called manhattanreefs anyone intrested
