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Recent content by cali_reef

  1. 3' x 3' Slama cube build...

    You not covering up the back of the tank? You have not been reefing in a while, welcome back!
  2. Nanoreefer22's 200g DD Build

    Is this the final "upgrade"?
  3. Back in the game again with a used 90gal

    Hi Vic, looks like a nice restart!
  4. california fish

    Tell the fish store you plan to buy from to box your fish up for shipping, they alway have a few used spare fish boxes around. When you check this box in at the airline counter, don't tell them it's live fish. They tend to refuse accepting live fish as check luggage. Good luck as I always have...
  5. Water Changes & Increased Cyano Growth

    I agree with your logic, replace dirty water with fresh water laced with good bacteria!! That's what I do.
  6. Jackson's Custom 115G Cube Build

    I was fishing at Langara Island Canada, they are very strict on sport fishing. Apparently halibut don't mature and breed until they are over 10yrs old and certain length, they are trying to preserve the breeding stock. I been back in NYC a few times this year, each time was less then 48 hours...
  7. Jackson's Custom 115G Cube Build

    Looking for some of cool looking coral! My two fishing trips were awsome this year, caught my salmon limit on day two with three kings and three cohos. Switched to halibut and got a 12 and 18 pounder. One of my buddies caught one over the size limit, est to be 100 pounds on a salmon rod and...
  8. Jackson's Custom 115G Cube Build

    I like the Jackson's special, where did you pick that up from? Fishing season is over? I was in British Colombia fishing for salmon and Halibut last wed-friday, awesome trip.
  9. Kasei's Final upgrade

    Nice growth and color!!
  10. making large holes for filter sock tray

    You can use this if you have a Dremel tool: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000HI5WTY/?tag=reefs04-20 I would use 3/8 to 1/2" acrylic, those filter sock can get pretty heavy when clogged.
  11. Red Dragon Mini colony

    Nice red dragon piece And price. Can you deliver?
  12. Jackson's Custom 115G Cube Build

    Tell that little Chinese guy I said hi! Nice tank and awesome colors.
  13. Kasei's Final upgrade

    nice corals.. Didn't have enough time to call you and Rich last week while I was there visiting.
  14. Saltwater Pool into Reef/Lagoon Pool

    Convert salt water pool into a salt water tank? I say delusional...
  15. Fish Photos

    Nice pics!!
