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Recent content by CC-Star

  1. Clownfish Pairing or Fighting?

    ahh posted this in the wrong spot.
  2. Clownfish Pairing or Fighting?

    I tried searching on this and I did not come across anything that answers my question. On the weekend I just bought two fire clowns the are both small. Now for the 1st day they swam around together everywhere (like my mated percs do in my other tank). Anyhow now the one fire clown will not...
  3. chocolate chip starfish

    Not reef safe I'm afraid...
  4. Quarantine tank with nitrite spikes (NEED REMEDY A.S.A.P)

    Sediener (Steve): To answer your questions: 1. 15 gallon rubbermaid container, with 1 maroon clown, 1 Yellow tang, 1 royal gramma,, 6 chromis, 1 Flame Angel and 1 regal tang (a buddies). To sum it up yes WAY to many fish in a small rubbermaid containor. 2. I was feeding them everyday (some flake...
  5. Quarantine tank with nitrite spikes (NEED REMEDY A.S.A.P)

    Ya I know but it did not seem to matter how much water I took out of the QT tank and replaced w. new RO water the nitrites were still so high. Knowse, what is your opinion on how big of water change should I do every second day?? Like 2nite came home..again nitrites are starting to go back...
  6. Quarantine tank with nitrite spikes (NEED REMEDY A.S.A.P)

    Ya I will def. have to keep that in mind for the next time i need to crack out the QT. (sponge idea) Ya i do have quite the heavy bioload in the QT (esp when they all eat like pigs and are messy eaters ie. Yellow Tang eating seaweed)). I have a spong on the aquaclear filter and on the...
  7. Quarantine tank with nitrite spikes (NEED REMEDY A.S.A.P)

    Nevermind on the asap remedy as I couldnt bear it another minute esp w. the flamer and a couple of hte chromis and clown coming to the top to get air...obivious I had to take immediate action. So I made a new rubbermaid bin w. display tank water (nitrites=zero). QT TANK SPECIFIC QUESTION: So...
  8. Quarantine tank with nitrite spikes (NEED REMEDY A.S.A.P)

    **IMPORTANT** Alright I have a dilemia and its driving me and my husband bonkers bc every night for 4 nights it does not seem to matter what we do the nitrites still are high. We have had this QT tank set up for 2 weeks -due to ich reasons(15+gallon rubbermaid container, with powerhead, and...
  9. Shriveled BTA

    Tonight I just moved the rock (in which the anemone was in) closer to the top...we'll see how that goes. I know I also only have the lights on for about 9 1/2 hours a day ....but any more the algae goes nuts (brown). I dunno gonna get some silversides and change up some of his diet to not just...
  10. Protein Skimmer Sump --> Hangon

    Clever - well me and my husband are both engineers (he is a mech one) so if the helps. ehehe He actually just emailed me and said something similar that would would have to make a stand outside the tank for the skimmer to sit higher than the tank. Hmmm = that does not look so eye appealing. I...
  11. Protein Skimmer Sump --> Hangon

    Question: Is there a way to make a sump protein skimmer (ie. AquaC EV120, Euroreef) into a Hangon/external protein skimmer? Reason: For the next year I have a 55 gallon tank with no sump and a $*@Y# prizim protein skimmer and I am looking to get a better one, but there is not sense buying an...
  12. Shriveled BTA

    Thats to bad, MH's are not in the budget/plans till we get out new tank in a yr and a half. Guess the only thing I can do for the poor thing is to move it up near the top :/ I guess it was always getting more pale, but with the addition of the clownfish it just added stress/made it shrink as...
  13. Shriveled BTA

    Does anyone know alot about "bleaching" and how to help the poor thing?? It still eats so that is good so far from what I have read. As for lighting i keep reading that E.Q (BTA's) can have PCs but mostly all other anemoens need MH's. I even had put my rBTA up near the top twice but it moved...
  14. Shriveled BTA

    Your right knowse, Sorry about that, I keep thinking I got it last year sometime around summerish weather season (it was really warm last nov)..but guess it was condy I was thinking about... You are right it has gotten more of a bright pink rather than a deep rose colour...that is for sure...
  15. Shriveled BTA

    ehehhe I wish ...I dont have a fuge @ the moment...thinking about setting one up in the next little bit so I can get a REAL skimmer (AquaC EV/Euroreef), instead of my useless Prizim. I dunno I moved the rock and she still found it...so i dunno guess just keep feeding it and hopefully it...
