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Recent content by chazertis

  1. Tank breakdown (Westchester NY)

    where in westchester? sell the rbta separately?
  2. WTB: GBTA or RBTA

    would like a medium sized GBTA or RBTA. anyone have one they're trying to get rid of or sell? am willing to drive to pick it up
  3. Selling 2 GBTA

    this is a long shot but are any of these still available?
  4. 2" blue hippo tang fs/ft

    I have had my blue hippo tang since it was the size of a dime. It is in great health. Eats everything. I'm looking to lower my bio load. I'm selling him for $25 or would love to trade for another smaller fish, maybe a sand sifter or mandarin. Please post here or message me directly!
  5. Wtb used mp10es

    Anyone have one (mp10es) that they're trying to sell? Please pm me! Thanks
  6. FS: 5 1/2 to 6 inch Black Tang

    that is a beautiful fish!
  7. fuge light cheato ?

    also give it a regular photo cycle. don't leave it on 24/7
  8. Helfrichi Firefish (Nemateleotris helfrichi)

    any available?
  9. Free: bioballs, ceramic rings, sponges

    just bought a 24g nano cube and i don't need the bioballs, ceramic rings, and sponges. they're yours for free. post here or pm me pick up in battery park, 10280
  10. Anyone have some cheato?

    I'm looking to get some cheato. Anyone have any to spare? I'd only need a little bit. Thanks!
  11. F/s x2 mp10es

  12. Stuff for sale

    will it fit in the back of a 24 gallon nanocube?
