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Recent content by clippo

  1. Whole tank shots with a fisheye?

    depends how much working distance you have really. A fisheye will do it but you might have to correct distortion in PS afterwards. Not familiar with that lens but have used a 10mm on a 1.6 crop body for shots of large tanks myself.
  2. lfs shots

    cracking stock at my local shop (NW UK)
  3. flame hawk

    thanks - I'd love a pair... tank aint big enough though! :( :lol:
  4. flame hawk

    in his favourite perch!
  5. protect the fishes of clipperton atoll

    OK. Tempting though it is to continue, lets try to turn it into something positive. Steve - if you are really interested in responsible reefkeeping, I wonder if you will share some information with myself and others reading this thread. When you visited the Atoll (in early 2009 I assume?), did...
  6. protect the fishes of clipperton atoll

    So besides your website what have you actually done, I mean on the actual ground? Real action in other words! You people just keep on trying to attack my character don't you :roll: . As said it really shows you for the kind of people you are. STILL no one has presented a valid argument...
  7. protect the fishes of clipperton atoll

    Steve... just out of interest, can I ask why you are referred to as 'the infamous fish collector' in this article? http://reefbuilders.com/2009/05/20/clip ... limbaughi/ seems you may have a colourful background yourself eh? I'd urge people to read that article actually (not mine by the...
  8. protect the fishes of clipperton atoll

    Steve - really, I can barely decipher the meaning of that post... and frankly I don't think I need to waste my time doing so anyway. The whole Captain Clipperton thing is totally irrelevant... and getting tiresome. As said, its so transparently an effort to smear my name that I almost find it...
  9. protect the fishes of clipperton atoll

    you obviously haven't read any of the articles I've written in the aquatic press then Steve.. ones that advocate buying captive bred stock, or detailing the requirements of sensitive species? or the links on my website (which exists 'to promote responsible reefkeeping' ) that point to various...
  10. protect the fishes of clipperton atoll

    please take the time to visit the link below and feel free to sign! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/clipperton/
  11. White Balance off?

    WB looks accurate to me. If you are shooting in JPEG format, you might want to consider turning down the colour saturation parameter via the menu system on the 350. With those 2 particular fish the standard setting often gives over saturation IME. Using the on-camera flash gives unrealistic...
  12. Waikiki Aquarium

    aghh! :cry: :cry:
  13. Novembers Free Wallpaper

    hi mate - go into the news section - tells youa t the bottom of each article.
  14. Waikiki Aquarium

    Hi Charles! - do you keep any of the other species endemic to Clipperton there?
  15. Waikiki Aquarium

    just wanted to relate how much I enjoyed reading the December article by Dr Delbeek. I hope I get to visit one day and see that Clipperton Angel!
