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Recent content by dannyl

  1. Selling everything

    I have live rocks if anyone interested in buying. The main one here in this photo I think is about 50 pounds will sell for $40.
  2. WTB True Percula Pair

    I have a pair if your interested in buying.
  3. Live rock

    Hey I have live rocks that you may be interested.
  4. Selling everything

    Hi everyone, I am selling my 90 gallan reef tank but I'm going to start with my corals and rocks. I'm going to be moving and really need to get this out of the way. These are my hammer head $10 for the small one and the bigger one for $ 15. Fish : blue hippo tang, and a pair of clown fish...
  5. slightly aggresive six line wrasse

    I have a six line wrasse and he's also aggressive but still they are a beautiful fish. I have mine in a 90 gal but if you keep him with another aggressive fish they do keep him in place.
  6. Holiday Big Sale!!!

    I just bought an Aussie Branching Hammer and it looks great! He have them in different colors as the one I got was more on the blue side. Thanks David for the great sale.
  7. D

    Hi I was planning on changing my tank for a 60 gal. cube 24/24/24 with stand. By any chance do...

    Hi I was planning on changing my tank for a 60 gal. cube 24/24/24 with stand. By any chance do you have in stock and curious on the cost and the cost for delivery. Thank you,
  8. D

    Is this Anthony?

    Is this Anthony?
  9. D

    Hi do I know you?

    Hi do I know you?
  10. 40 re build

    Hi Anthony Tank looks really good man!
  11. ER 2 (Everything Reef #2)

    Looking forward to attending.
  12. 40 breeder club

    Nice thread Anthony, Can I join the club?
  13. advice on ich, what would you do in my situation?

    when my fish had it I just let it pass its course, just made sure they remain well fed and made frequent water changes but as mention before try to maintain same water condition. ( I thought cleaner shrimps, did help on removing itch) I always seen my cleaner shrimp pick at it when a fish had it.
  14. hammer coral and butterfly

    Thats interesting that I saw this post, my hammer head has been getting smaller and smaller and I am not sure if my CBB is picking at it. I sit there watching my tank just to see if he even touches it but no luck at catching him.
  15. Cbb

    All those who have the CBB in reef tanks, how are they doing and your corals. Have you notice any change, like in the quantity in Copepods. I know my CBB have cleaned house as well as eaten all the aptasia problems I had in my tank.
