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Recent content by Deanos

  1. Mr.aqua cube

    I'm in the Bronx and would like the cube. Let me know if its still available. Dean
  2. Nikonians Only

    5 months of inactivity?! :eek: D90 in Antigua, West Indies Antigua 2013_nikon-207 by Deanos_98, on Flickr Antigua 2013_nikon-206 by Deanos_98, on Flickr Antigua 2013_nikon-17 by Deanos_98, on Flickr Antigua 2013_nikon-125 by Deanos_98, on Flickr Antigua 2013_nikon-183 by Deanos_98, on...
  3. Anyone into mountain biking ?

    http://www.nycbikemaps.com/ http://www.nycgovparks.org/facilities/bikeways
  4. Nikon d90 macro???

    What's your budget?
  5. Fish tail fin split, is there cure?

    Here's a few shots I found when the tang was even younger
  6. Fish tail fin split, is there cure?

    My hippo tang's tail was split for several years as well. It actually grew as it did. Here's a few shots before I gave it away last year.
  7. Tank size

    Concrete floor? Wood floor? Straw house?:p
  8. how to frag

  9. 90g reef tank for sale

    Please post a price or your thread will be deleted. Thanks!
  10. Check these rare euphyllias!!!!

    This coral is neither rare nor a Euphyllia. It's probably a Plerogyra sinuoso (Bubble Coral).
  11. wrasse problem

    The mirror distraction MAY give the fairy wrasse a chance to establish a territory of its own making it less likely to be bullied.
  12. Hammer or Frogspawn?

  13. Engagement rings?

  14. Qt fish anyone???

    If Divers' Den quarantine procedures aren't acceptable to you, you're going to be hard pressed to find a better one.
  15. African Pygmy Hedgehogs

    Where are hedgehogs illegal?
