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Hammer or Froggie?

  • Hammer

    Votes: 33 84.6%
  • Frogspawn

    Votes: 6 15.4%

  • Total voters

House of Laughter

Super Moderator
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Ossining, NY
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There was some discussion about this species of this euphylia in a recent FS thread. Some of the discussion was deleted because it occurred in a For Sale Thread and not appropriate for the topic.

Since some members felt this was a useful conversation/identification thread, I am re-posting the picture and link to the original FS thread.


I also put is as a poll thread for people to vote.



  • Untitled.jpg
    284 KB · Views: 260


Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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Hm, on first look and even a more detailed look at all the individual tentacles I would say hammer.

Mainly because I do not see any tentacles that are multi-branched. I also see that most tentacles are hammer shaped (Though I know nothing about the genetics of this coral or why the owner believes it is whatever they think it is)

However, I do see some tentacles that are round tipped only, more like a torch or frog tip. Additionally, I have a frogspawn in my tank that when I first received it I thought "noooo, i have a hammer already" and then after more careful view of the tentacles saw that there were a few tentacles on each head that were multi-branched and looked appropriately 'frogspawn'.

So, meh.
Staten Island
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It's definitely a hammer. Looks to me like euphyllia paraancora( branching hammer) as opposed to euphyllia ancora (base hammer). The branching tend to not have such hammer shaped tentacles. Either way it's a nice piece.

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Senior Member
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This is rare coral , some heads have hammer heads some froggy.
I have this colonies for couple of years now and always grow different way- no clue how:)
Last night i looked again and looks like froggy/ hammy coral:)
I also cut one head with looking froggy and one hammy glue them together on the rock to see what happens :)


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