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Recent content by dickenscd

  1. Dumb question about moonlight LEDs

    Yes, it will work. James
  2. LEDs - Good, Bad or just another addiction?

    Get it "FREE" or "ALMOST FREE". Actually, every reef hobbyist has a chance to get a LED Light ?FREE? or ?ALMOST FREE? at the following events, NERAC Sat. March 20, 2010 http://www.neracv.com/ Manhattan Reefs Swap Sunday, April 18, 2010...
  3. LEDs - Good, Bad or just another addiction?

    Possible Special Guest Joe Yaiullo, Co-Founder of Atlantis Marine World, and President of LIRA just told me that world reknowned reef aquaria designer Jeff Turner will possibly come with him tonight. Here is a link to Jeff's website, http://www.reefaquariadesign.com/ In addition to Acan...
  4. LEDs - Good, Bad or just another addiction?

    LED Lightings Demonstration My office will open this Friday, March 5 between 6pm and 10pm for all visitors who are interested in LED lightings. Everyone (including vendors) is welcome to bring your LED lightings for demonstration. A free 18" LED lighting (model A101) from www.acanlighting.com...
  5. RSVP: MR Spring 2010 Frag Swap - Sun. April 18th

    Pictures of Last MR Swap Here is a link to the pictures of last MR swap. http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/general-discussion/69040-2009-mr-fall-swap-picture-5.html I will donate a piece of 18" LED lighting (Acan Lighting A101-18B) with retail value of $525.- as shown on the following...
  6. LEDs - Good, Bad or just another addiction?

    Aqua Illumination at LIRA Meeting This Friday I bought a piece of the new Aqua Illumination LED lighting weeks ago, and await their shipment. All the attendees can see and play this new toy at the meeting if I receive it. My "Acan Lighting" will also start to accept the application for...
  7. Bare Bottom or Deep Sand Bed for Reef Tank

    Simon, Thank you very much, I changed the refugium into sand bed only at my home tanks couple weeks ago, but some side effects happened. I am not good in writing, and will talk to you more when we share the room next time. James
  8. LEDs - Good, Bad or just another addiction?

    LED Lightings at LIRA Monthly Meeting This Friday Welcome to LIRA monthly meeting this coming Friday, here is the link for the speaker and location, http://www.longislandreef.org/ http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=156 Ice Cap will possibly come and show...
  9. Save the Date: Sun. April 18th!

    Wasn't it free, and we only had to pay for the corals? James
  10. Post Snow Pics

    Snow on Dec.31, 2009 James
  11. Bare Bottom or Deep Sand Bed for Reef Tank

    Combining DSB and Refugium Does anyone have good (or bad) experience by combing DSB and refugium? James
  12. Unlimited Edition

    I agree. I will feel very bad if I know someone is reselling my donated item which they got it free, or buy the items at club auctions at very low price for reselling purpose. James
  13. Bare Bottom or Deep Sand Bed for Reef Tank

    If either macro algae or DSB can take care of nitrates, why don't we have both in one place and accelerate the nitrate removal? James
  14. Bare Bottom or Deep Sand Bed for Reef Tank

    As shown on the following picture, I am using 180G (6' x 2' x 2') AGA tank for my sump to support over 500 gallon reef tanks. I have been using H&S A300 skimmer, carbon, phosphate remover, and 100mg ozone. Half the space (3' x 2') had live rock and chaeto with reverse light for 14 hours a...
  15. Bare Bottom or Deep Sand Bed for Reef Tank

    So, Is it a good idea to combine refugium and DSB in one? Any side effect? James
