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Recent content by EB847

  1. Have Emerald Crabs helped you reduce bubble algae?

    Excellent. Lfs guy tried to tell me once that they were full of harmless gas!
  2. Have Emerald Crabs helped you reduce bubble algae?

    What are your references to support this statement?
  3. New Ocellaris is an eating machine...

    nobody has an opinion? thats a first...
  4. 75 degrees too low?

    i have a fowler with inverts. my temp fluctuates between 75(night) and 77(day) now that it's winter (80-82 in summer). too low?
  5. New Ocellaris is an eating machine...

    ha! my tank raised percs look like golfballs with fins after 30 seconds... 5 minutes? they would explode for sure. in my experience, you can feed lightly every other day. just make sure they don't start looking like nicole ritchie! concave bellies can't be good. not sure ruben studdard...
  6. It can't be, can it?

    enlighten me about it.. i assume it is rare and expensive..?
  7. It can't be, can it?

    what is it you suspect it may be?
  8. Disappearing Coraline

    as stated before, just keep your ca and alk up and it will come. remember, if you want particular colors, you need to seed the tank with them. (although from what I have read, one color -usually purple- will become dominant over time and be your only color.)
  9. Disappearing Coraline

    ime, uncured lr always turns white when you get it home and into your tank within a day or two. I even tried taking some incredible looking pieces covered in orange, pink, green, etc. home submerged in water. Two days later: white. (How it made it's week-long trip across the planet in that...
  10. ich and uv sterilizer

    good advice. is a uv dangerous to any type of inhabitants?
  11. ich and uv sterilizer

    how effective is a uv in preventing ich? (no time or space for a qt) wattage and pump suggestions for a 120g? (turbo twist)
  12. My anenome has gone into hiding

    i bought one that moved within two days to the depths of my lr and was never heard from again (2 months now) f'n annoying!
  13. tank raised percs...

    pretty much head to toe, but it seems light so far. fresh water dips effective at all? ...did it once, didn't help
  14. tank raised percs...

