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Recent content by Euroreefer

  1. Shoutout! 10+ years on MR and still have a tank roll call

    Yessir! Still in same house..lol
  2. Shoutout! 10+ years on MR and still have a tank roll call

    Still here, still with a nano.
  3. For Sale Nutri-Sea Water

    Where in long island? Ill be there Saturday morning
  4. Moving my 47 Year old Reef tank

  5. Moving my 47 Year old Reef tank

    nice story Paul, good luck with the new tank. Enjoy the new home!
  6. WTB: FRag of Silver pulsing Xenia

    Anyone can sell me a nice frag of Silver pulsing Xenia?
  7. What extent to save a fish? Surgery??

    did that fish live? :bigeyes2:
  8. yo renegade shout out

    Redwood Original.:DarthVade
  9. FRESHMARINE.COM: Any Experience?

    :bigeyes2: CRAZY PEOPLE
  10. Ultra Modern - HiTech setup

    yeap, how is it all plumbed together?:scratch:
  11. Black/Orange Storm clowns

  12. N i t r a t e s

    Pics :bigeyes2:
  13. MR. Aqua custom 13 gallon bow front AIO

    bump, if your going to lowball move on.:tired:
  14. MR. Aqua custom 13 gallon bow front AIO

    Hello, Im selling a brand new 13 gallon Mr. Aqua AIO bow front tank. Bought this a while back from Custom king but never set it up. Its an All in one he built. PM me your cell phone number for pics. Asking what I paid $80 picked up in BX, NY 10473. Its been sitting collecting dust for over a year.
  15. Can anyone identify this

    BLurry pic?
