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Recent content by FamilyReef

  1. F

    we worked at certpoint

    we worked at certpoint
  2. Akma's Solana~

    I was thinking about that tank but I went with the one I have now, excelent job
  3. rocks

    I think they are called live rock, I just bought a cube tank and I am looking for rock in the long island area rockvill center and so on. I do not care if I have to drive but it has to be during the day. I have the twins and it is hard to leave the wife home with them alone. :?
  4. WYSIWYG Frags $10 ~ $30

    very nice coral
  5. Free: Fish.

    I have one fish in the tank and it is a benny I think the name of it is or blemy.
  6. allergy season?

    I saw this post between twins and me having a stuffy nose, and the crying and the feeding and the changing. I am burnt out.
  7. Nightcrawlerz tank build

    Very nice, if I brought a tank home that big I would be burried in it. lol
  8. Just saying hello

    Hey there
  9. Free: Fish.

    It this fish a good softie fish to keep. I have softies in the tank and I am trying to stay away from the stick thingys
  10. Question of star fish or sea stars

    they are grey yes. They look these astraina stars you are talking about.
  11. Question of star fish or sea stars

    I have a small tank a 20 gallon, I know nothing big. I would like to know I found these white wierd shaped stars in my tank. I just got into zoas as they are called. ( I wonder why they call them that) and I would like to know if they stars are harmfull or not. I never had a reef before just...
  12. JCOLBE's 25GL Nano Reef Build 02-23-2011

    nice skimmer you have there
  13. NERAC VI March 19th

    thank you.
  14. How do I get rid of this brown fuzz?

    Turbo snails, is that because they look like turbos for the cars lol.
  15. Oceanic tech tank 120 gallon

    I like the way that tank looks to bad I do not have the room I just had twins and my wife would kill me
