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Recent content by fergy

  1. SC Reef Club

    There's both the Columbia Marine Aquarist Society and the RASOC, located in Charlotte, but with members ranging down into SC. www.cmas.org www.rasoc.org _________________ Honda XR650L
  2. Anyone seen the clams at Pestco?

    If I may make a point here....you were purchasing from that store when you observed the issue you're complaining about. Why not excercise your purchasing power somewhere else, and tell them that you won't be shopping there anymore? Seems like a pretty simple way to stand by your opinions. Why...
  3. Need a little electronics help

    That device is quite nice, but at that price point, I'm pretty close to stepping into a real Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), which I've been considering doing anyway, and doing away with my Neptune. It would allow much more programming options, but it wouldn't be as adjustable as what I'm...
  4. Need a little electronics help

    I'm stuck on a small control issue with a pneumatics control device I'm building, and wondered if anyone here could help me. I need a relay or circuit that changes state each time it's activated. I'm using a time-delay relay to control this circuit. So, I've got the following states: On-A...
  5. Gasket still leaking

    Yes, silicone would be a better alternative. But, as Vin stated, chances are you're getting too much pressure into the reactor, and if you reduce that, you'll probably get less leaking. There's no difference between the rubber and neoprene gaskets, in fact, the rubber ones are softer, and...
  6. What is Minimum required photoperiod for MH?

    Actually, in the tropics, they do not get full sun for 12 hours a day. Think of it like this: does the sun remain fixed directly overhead, shooting straight down, from 7A-7P? Remember also that sunlight reflects off the surface of the water up to a specific angle, so very little of it...
  7. Need help fixing busted acrylic tank

    First off, you'll have severe crazing on any repair you do, since this is a standard aquarium, and has been flame polised. What you will see is a network of surface fractures that will radiate out from the corner, because of the stress in the plastic from the polishing process. As soon as you...
  8. Funniest things you've heard in the LFS

    In one LFS in Lexington, KY, I witnessed the following. A local lady had come in, wondering why the seahorses in her system were dying. Apparently, she had had two of them for a long time, but each time she added more, the new ones would die. The LFS owner tells her it's because she has...
  9. Iwaki WMD 20RLT as circ pump?

    They work also. And they are pretty good, for a powerhead. The Little Giants and Iwakis are real pumps, so kinda of in a different class. However, with the Eheim, you can set the reactor in your sump. BRIAN _________________ African Forum
  10. Micromesh Polishing Sheets

    That's where I got mine. One sheet will last many projects...it's much more reusable than sandpaper. The cushion helps. Someone in the class found a cheaper place to get them, but I can't remember. That place sold a lot of it for woodworking. Maybe they will post here... Get that one kit...
  11. Opinion - O-ring machining.

    The fumes are acrylic monomer vapor. It can stress the plastic, causing the crazing, if the plastic had been heated or had surface stresses in it before. BRIAN _________________ what causes a recession
  12. Opinion - O-ring machining.

    strange. To avoid this, try good ventilation next time. I don't normally do it, but it should help. BRIAN _________________ what is recession
  13. Opinion - O-ring machining.

    Didn't have enough ventilation? The gasses coming off the #40 as it cures are heavier than air, and will settle. Covering up the top of the tube can cause this. However, it may also be from heat when prepping the end of the tube. Sometimes, it's pretty tough to prevent all of the variables...
  14. Power buy for pumps or media?

    No, we went with Inland Reef, and I don't know who dealt with them. BRIAN _________________ Mercedes Benz M Class
  15. Opinion - O-ring machining.

    You can use solvent in the groove, but the #40 is a cement, and has some mass to it. It creates a better seal, and you don't get left with any sort of gap when it dries. When you cut the groove slightly oversize, because of the poor tolerances of the tube, there can be a little gap left...
