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Recent content by frank arriaga

  1. Rbta and monti cap question

    Yes he's right it will sting your cap.
  2. WTB Any size colt coral

    I have some soft corals will send pics on tomorrow I'm in chester NY have some nice corals getting out or down grading from 265 gal to 90gal. let me know if interested.
  3. A reef creation robbed

    Hope they get locked up.
  4. Albano - Our thoughts are with you!

    Get well soon.Alfie
  5. Looking for a sea hare

    Looking to buy two does anyone have them :scratch: Thanks
  6. Happy B'day Chief

    Happy Birthday Brendon see you around.Enjoy your Day!!!!!
  7. RSVP: Fall Frag Swap 2011 - Sunday December 4th

    I'm in can't wait to see you guys and gals.
  8. Swap Crew Volunteers!

    Kris I can help sat and sun morning.Let me know
  9. Newbie here...

    Welcome aboard :)
  10. Happy Birthday Masterswimmer!

    Enjoy your B-day,I don't hear the music what time is the Party
  11. Allow myself to introduce myself

    Welcome Aboard.
  12. 300 gallon Marine land set for sale

    Hope all goes well.
  13. Removing my sand bed?

    Matt I went BB about 3 month ago I was always against it but the tank look great I removed the sand very time I did a water change it took about 3 month,water change very two weeks but the tank is 265 gal.I took my time.Also went with zeovit
  14. End of the world

    Time for a water Change.
  15. Guarda's 20G Cube

    Arthur looking Good.
