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  • Hello there fellow reefers..although i am new to Manhattan reefs, i am not new to reefing. Been in the hobby for about 4 years, with 2 mixed nano coral reefs, a planted guppy tank, and a red cherry shrimp tank. Along with maintaining these tanks, I have been very busy looking after my 91 year old father until his recent passing. I now find the need to immerse myself into this hobby as a way to divert my constant thoughts about my recent loss. I realize that only time will heal these wounds. So on a lighter note, my clown fish have decided to spawn for the first time, and i am truly excited about trying to raise the clutch. I have just about everything i need except a local vendor for fresh live rotifers, for i have little time or space to culture my own. So if anyone could point me to a place in queens or LI i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance to all.
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