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Recent content by h20 freak

  1. Clownfish

    They're unpredictable just like any fish, you'll only know for sure if you try
  2. Suggest a fish for me to add!

    everyone loves blennys shrimp/goby pair? try your hand at breeding something?Alot of sw breeding fish are fine in a 20
  3. Add a firefish

    Well watch your fish load, you already have 4, one being an anthias which has a big load. It would have been better to add them together but if you can't find yours a temp home to house for a while and then reintroduce with a new one then get some kind of container to house yours in the tank(a...
  4. Fish disappeared

    There active swimmers like tangs, if fed right they are also a big load. IMO, not an aquapod fish. And yes, don't add 4 fish like that again.
  5. Pooties Tank Thread

    Copper is probably the problem if its the inverts going and not the fish. Get a test kit and run carbon. Also take it easy with the additions, try to stabalize the tank first.
  6. Prophylactic Treatment

    Agreed,I like the holistic approach with just good environent and food. A few of my fish came came scratching and other symptoms and all I did was feed my normal garlic and selcon soaked food and they recovered. Not a pro but this method has worked for me with a few fish and illnesses/injuries...
  7. Help for my 15 gallon reef tank

    Are you using tap? don't Try to get ur substrate to be all sand(look up deep sand beds) ditch the wet/dry its a nitrate factory get an actual skimmer(tunze and remora sell good skimmers for tanks that sixe, if you want to go all out the bermuda rogue is one of the best hang on back...
  8. Freshwater Enthusiasts Suggestions Needed

    Guppys would work, otos are great for algae.
  9. Coopers 5.5 MANTIS tank!

    I remember seeing some kind of paste or glue thing that you put on the back of your tank and it formed a crystal wall, came in a bunch of colors. Can't find it, hopefully someone else knows what im talkning about, it was really cool.
  10. How many fish can I keep in my tank

    Ya a small goby or two really small ones(maybe try your hand at breeding neons?) and thats it.
  11. ATTN: Clownfish Breeders

    I have no experiance but it would seem to me that it would be best to leave the clowns tend to the eggs as long as possible and then move them to the 10 right before hatching. I mean they clean and fan it so it must be important or they wouldn't do it. Just my logic nothing really to back it up.
  12. iPhone app to monitor and control your AquaController remotely

    They really do have an app for everything
  13. new to salt algae question

    Never get something to eat algae to try to solve the problem. Attack the cause not the symptom, getting the RO will probably help a lot. See how that works first.
  14. Frustrating Fish

    Haha another great story and a great fish.
  15. Skunk + Maroon = ?

    :scratchch Are you sure theres no eggs? That is a really cool combo you really should try to rear the fry some time or give the eggs for someone to rear. The babies would be very interesting.
