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Recent content by holry7778

  1. Baking PVC fittings

    I have use a heat gun several times to flare the ends of PCV and CPVC. The biggest trick it to keep the heat gun far enough away so that it doesn't "tan" the fitting.
  2. 200 gallon reef tank cooling plans ?

    I give you props for the idea first of all, glad to see people trying to break the box... but I think you'll run into several problems...You are based on the fact that the slab will allow you to "dump" as much heat into it as possible. This is not the case. Secondly that slab may want to...
  3. Attaching/anchoring DIY spraybar

    Where did you get that nice black PVC?
  4. Actual Mirror as a reflector?

    I'd say you are just as good off painting the the hood flat or glossy white (little difference between the two) A metal reflector unless polished to a mirror finish or better doesn't gain you much over the paint. See this thread...
  5. Kitchen Cabinet

    CWA is right, If the paln is to use you'll still have to seal them with something like a enamal paint or poly.
  6. Lighting for 45 breeder

    Well the T-5 I thin would be nice...from what I have read they put off just as much light but are typically more efficient than the T-12 VHO's As for the MH. It is question of you thoughts the 250w will cost more to run but if you ever decide you need more lighting you'll have it already and...
  7. Now it's a 72 gallon bowfront...need help!

    Nice setup but put that heater in the sump
  8. Hair Algae Hell

    Well, Ffrom what I know, which isn't all that much, the algae is there for a reason..as unpleasant as it is, it is helping keep your nitrates low. There are a couple of suggestions that help. The new skimmer makes the most sense as it helps remove organics (nitrates) from the water column, ago...
  9. homemade chiller....

    I still think the salt creep and top off issues with this system are really major draw backs. Not to mention the salinity changes in the tank water that will stress the fish. I would think some closed loop system would be much more preferred. Heck even a radiator with a fan over it or in...
  10. TEEENY centipedes???? LITTLE BUGS?

    I have a bunch in my .75g peco. Do any shrimp feed on these babies?
  11. Float switch for MAG Drive

    Thanks CptnJack
  12. Just a reminder...

    Thanks Matt
  13. Just a reminder...

    Matt, I know you don't devote your life to this thread, but I looking for a little bit more information about gobies for nano's. Specifically a green clown goby. Any and as much info you have on them would be excellent. TIA
  14. homemade chiller....

    First Welcome to RDO! Second I agree with danmhippo, Your evap will be exponiental along with the salt creep it entales. Do you live close to a campus town? or can you afford to buy a small bar fridge? I have seen a nice "cheap" solution that is simply drilling two holes in the fridge...
  15. Float switch for MAG Drive

    CptnJack...Do you have a detailed parts list for that Auto-Top off unit it look pretty sweet and I'm in look making one. Also Very nice DIY page!
