I just posted this a couple of days ago. I thought why not enter it in the "GREEN" photo contest. This is a picture of one of our emerald crabs. He was showing off for me next to the glass one day.
Thanks for the compliments. All pics where taken with the Nikon D70 Nikkor 18-70mm. I really want to get the 105mm macro, but just haven't been able to take the plunge$$$$ yet.
Sorry for not answering sooner. I've been away from the house for awhile. Anyway, Thanks for the great products and for the marine depot gift certificate. I use a Nikon D70 with the Nikkor 18-70mm lens.
Mike Twigg
I've been battling a hair algae problem for about a month now. It all started when I sold my 15 inch carpet because he decided to start moving and I didn't want him to take out my SPS's. Anyway, I have a 200 gal and do 30 gal changes with DI every week. I've added sally light foot, emerald...
I've been battling a hair algae problem for about a month now. It all started when I sold my 15 inch carpet because he decided to start moving and I didn't want him to take out my SPS's. Anyway, I have a 200 gal and do 30 gal changes with DI every week. I've added sally light foot, emerald...
We have had two batches of fry since July. Well, we first noticed the male with eggs on July 2, he let them out in Aug and then got another batch of eggs the next day. Only 4 fry made it the first batch. This batch we had 11 and 10 of them are still ok. We noticed that 2 days after we...