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Ok, I did it.

I went and got a Nikon D70. I picked this over the Canon because I have more friends/family using the Nikon camera mount (i.e. I can borrow their lenses).

I have not yet purchased a lens yet, but have been using a Tamaron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Telephot Macro Lens (loaned to me by a family member).

I fairly happy with what I have been able to do, but am wondering if a Macro 105 lens will be a great improvement on closeup reef shots (basically does the true macro feature of a macro lens really improve that much over the 300 zoom that I am currently using even though it's not a "true" macro lens).

What differences will I notice between the two lenses?




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You "usually" buy a Nikon for their glass/lenses. Nikkor lenses for the most part kick butt. For image qquality/sharpness/contrast/color you can't beat a nikkor prime (fixed focal length) lens. You will notice a difference over your zoom in all of the above areas. Zooms are convenient for cropping/composition...but lack the sharpness and image quality of prime lenses. If you are going to purchase the D70 and use it mainly for aquarium shots, I'd go for the Nikkor 105mm macro. The 3rd party lenses "usually" don't compare to the Canon/Nikon/Olympus brand lenses. There are some really good 3rd party "pro" lenses but they are on par with price (ie Tokina at-x pro lense).

I would avoid zoom/macros for shooting your aquarium/fish. With a fixed focal length (dedicated macro) from Nikon you can't go wrong. You will have a much faster lens (able to gather more light..shoot in low light conditions better). You will also notice better sharpness, contrast and color rendition. If you are dropping a grand on the body..why put a cheap lens on the end of it? Your lens is MORE important than the body IMO..even in the digital world.

I just picked up a Canon 20D and went with the Canon EF 50mm f/2.5 . macro. I'm not thrilled with the build quality of this lens compared to my old manual Nikkors..but the glass is good. I can use this as my "regular" lens as well so it's pretty versatile. It does NOT have the 1/1 image magnification of the 105mm but is still not a bad macro.



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I have the 60mm and 105mm Nikkor micro. The 60 is the better of the two, but of course the 105 goes closer. The 60 is simply more sharp and more contrasty. It's actually one of the sharpest lens in the entire Nikon line up. It really depends on what focal length you want, but all thing equal, get the 60 first.

Most of the photos I've shot for Reefs.org walllpapers if from the 60 and the 105. Check them out:

I've never used the Tamron you have, but any lens with that much zoom is sure to suffer from a lot of compromises. The Nikon 60 and 105 will surely be better in every measurable facet.


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Also take into account for the "cropping" effect of your DSLR. I can't remember if the D70 is 1.5X? I know my Canon 20D is 1.6x. Because the sensor (ccd/cmos) is not the size of a full 35mm frame...it gives a cropping effect with normal 35mm lenses. You have to do some math (unless you buy some of the newer lenses that are specifically built for these digital SLRs). Multiply the focal length of the lens by the appropriate multiplier. I believe the Nikon D70's is 1.5 (google to check). That 60mm would then actually perform like a 90mm (angle of view) macro lens . Your zooms and other "regular" 35mm lenses will work in the same way. A 50mm would shoot the angle of view of a 75mm...a 200mm tele would act like a 300mm etc. etc. One other note. If you buy one of these expensive lenses...don't skimp on a cheap filter (uv/haze). Go with the best (supe multi coated at least) or you will reduce you original lens quality.



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Thanks... That's why I'm trying to achieve. I don't seem to have the sharpness and crispness I want with most of the pictures I am taking now (but they are a big improvement over what I was doing).



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If you are not using one....try using a tripod with macro shots and a cable release/timer. If you can lock up the mirror in your camera this will also help eliminate that little bit of blur/fuzziness often found in hand held macro shots.



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I, too, have a D70 and I LOVE my 105mm Macro. I'm still learning the tricks of the D70, but I have posted a few pics I've taken with it and the 105mm. Nikkor glass is phenomenal, but I'm a Nikon kind of girl!

Some of the pics are above on the hitchhiker photo thread.

Good luck!

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