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Recent content by janey

  1. FS: GHL Equipment (07090)

    ill take the GHL Profilux Wireless Mitras Module - $50
  2. polywise's reef system

    You Got it... Actually Gonna Wait til the Pope leaves NYC , Traffic URGGG..LOLO I;ll let you know when.. Thanks Janey..
  3. polywise's reef system

    Jim , Hi, Can you make a SPS frag Pack.. I can pick up by your job.. No rush.. I'm dedicating my 110 peninsula for only sps.. Love your Frags.. The ones i got from you are growing strong..
  4. Setup & Review of MTC PROCAL Calcium Reactor

    Hi reefbum, Hi Polywise.. Great vid. I finally got mine MRC CR-2 Dual Calcium Reactor tune in..
  5. FS: Calcium Reactor (Geo 418) - $300

    pm you, I want it...
  6. stuff for sale

    Oak canopy 48"x24" (med oak finish) - $50 will it fit a 120 ?
  7. World Wide Corals Coral Farm Build Thread (not open to public)

    WOW, Makes me wanna Move to Florida ...
  8. F/S Maristar 2x250w DE MH plus 2x39w T5 for 3 or 4 foot tanks

    Great condition with mounting legs/brackets for a 3ft tank could also work perfectly on a 4ft tank based on the bulb spacing. Will come with 2 T5 bulbs and 2 Radium MH 250 Bulbs. + the legs, that go for 80.00 selling for $220 .
  9. Massive War Coral Colony F/S

    Nice , Darn I would take it but don't feel like driving into NY.
  10. Finally Almost done with my peninsula

    Hi, I got the Lifegard Aquatics 2" Threaded Suction Screen Overflow Strainer *( the one that extends out ) Works Perfect had to apply lots of teflon tape and it secure now. Thanks Janey
  11. Finally Almost done with my peninsula

    @ JIM which should i get the 2" Low Profile Slip Screen Strainer Lifegard Aquatics (The Flat one) or Lifegard Aquatics 2" Threaded Suction Screen Overflow Strainer *( the one that extends out )
  12. Finally Almost done with my peninsula

    Yes , its a slip. ok, will try that Thanks
  13. where can i get a 2" strainer for my Dart ??

    have a Dart pump. and i need to get some kinda of Strainer. Can someone tell me where i can purchase one or Make one ???
  14. Finally Almost done with my peninsula

    I Know over kill but what the heck . Hey Guys and gurls where can i get a 2" strainer for my Dart ??
