Please do not mention the F word. I am not sure what my wife would do to me if God forbid my tank was to flood the place. I hope I never find out. Good luck with the clean up and the multiple fail safes.
Speaking of bees:
There was a huge beehive found in Brooklyn yesterday. Bees scare me so there would be no way I could ever even consider bee-hiving as a hobby.
I'm in the process of buying a T5 but the T5 owner won't be receiving his light fixture for 3-4 weeks so I only need the zip ties to last 3 weeks.
Russ, the PC bulbs I bought are Hamilton which are smaller diameter bulbs from the PC bulbs I had. I do not remember which PC bulbs I had but I...
I broke the bulb clip on my light fixture and I plan on soldering the broken piece back but I will need something to hold the new bulb in place because it is smaller in diameter than my old bulb. Can I use a zip tie to hold the PC bulb in place? The PC bulbs are 96 watters.