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Recent content by Kilr67

  1. ID please...eggs?

    No wrasse in the tank. One mass appears then dissolves and then another will appear about 1 to 2 months later.
  2. ID please...eggs?

    Also the only things that i have more than one of in the tank are: 2 blue/green chromis, turbo snails, blue leg and scarlet hermits and 4 peppermint shrimp.
  3. ID please...eggs?

    Did a water change and found this....maybe some sort of egg mass?
  4. Sea Star (Fromia) Help

    I've noticed that a lot of lfs do not know that they should not be exsposed to air. I've went to buy starfish at a few places and see them exsposed to the air and tell them to put it back and I walk out.
  5. New Rock Votes...

    I've liked what i have seen from tampa bay saltwater.
  6. Question about RO/DI set-up

    Well i tested it today and it made 5 gallons in one hour, which it is a 110gpd unit from filter direct so i guess it is working like it was supposed to. Just didn't think it would add up.
  7. Question about RO/DI set-up

    I recently just purchased a ro/di set-up and put it together today. My question is how much flow should i be recieving from the good water hose? The waste water is a steady stream and the good water only really trickles out. Any ideas. I'm pretty sure our water pressure here is good enough.
  8. Some things to id

    Thanks everyone, I am a biology student in college and these came in for our marine tank. I was told I could bring home whatever I wanted at the end of the semester so I want to make sure everything would be okay. Any special care for the gorgonian or the flower anemone? It would be going...
  9. Some things to id

    One more
  10. Some things to id

    Here are a few animals that were offered to me and want to know what they are. Is the anemone a good one for a reef tank?
  11. March Photo Contest--GREEN

    Name: Kilr67 Title: Hiding Equipment: Canon Powershot A70 Location: My 55gal
  12. I have a false percula...any advice on type of anemone??

    here is my clown hosting in my colt coral...
  13. snail id

    here is a few pics...
  14. snail id

    Hi everyone, i have been offered some snails however i have no idea what kind they are. They are about an inch long, have a spiral shell and the body and foot are a bright red to orange in color. The shell looks almost like a conch but i am not sure. I don't have any pics at the moment but...
  15. coralife lunar aqualight

    Hello everyone, long time reader, first time poster. I have a coarlife aqualight that my cat knocked into the water. I let it dry out for a day and this is the problem... both 10k bulbs work and the fans also. One actinic light works and one doesn't. Do they have the same ballast or...
