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Recent content by kstuber

  1. Why are all my red legged hermits dying!!???

    Hi Derek, I've heard loud clicking in my tank for 6 yrs now, which I suspect is a mantis shrimp, though I've never seen it. We didn't even see it when we moved 4 years ago, which meant taking all of the rock out. When I put in a new batch of scarlets, they seem to be picked off rather...
  2. Filter for metal halides?

    Thanks so much everyone! I was getting a bit panicky after reading something about UV radiation. Thinking how many animals have been harmed, as well as what I would look like in a few years after 6 years of exposure! Oh yes, and whether I would be able to see or not! So, anyway, I appreciate...
  3. Filter for metal halides?

    They're mogul base. Ushio UHI-175 10,000K. I've been using these and "true" 10,000K bulbs for about 6 years now in a Hamilton retrofit. The hood was purchased before I planned on a reef tank, and as such is only about 7" high. I used the retrofit and installed 5" fans at either end of the hood...
  4. Filter for metal halides?

    I've been running a retro-fit fixture, where the bulbs are just out there. No glass encasing the fixture, etc. The bulbs and literature say the animals and humans are getting unfiltered UV if not using a "filter". I'm supposed to use a filter for the UVC they say. Questions: 1) Where can I get...
  5. bubble algae

    Hi Abraham, I have had good success by using a combination of the techniques mentioned here. I keep 4-8 mithrax crabs, and pick out the bigger bubbles. The crabs won't eat those, and the small bubbles are too difficult to pick out. Great teamwork!
  6. Help! Im moving my tank...

    4 years ago, my then 2 year old, 125g took all day and until 2AM to move, and the houses were only 15 minutes part. There was myself, husband and one VERY good friend! All water was transported. The problem I ran into was when I put the sand back in, it caused a cloud I couldn't see through...

    Hi Joe, Outlets can advertise cured live rock, as it probably is when it leaves their facility. However, by the time the rock arrives to your friend, it will have been out of water for 24+ hours (it's shipped damp, in plastic bags, but not in water.) Think of what the condition of the rock your...
